The story of Stan, an orphaned teenager stuck living with his abusive grandfather and tasked with routinely protecting his best friend from high school bullies. When Stan discovers a murderous creature has taken refuge inside the tool shed in his backyard, he tries to secretly battle the demon alone until his bullied friend discovers the creature and has a far more sinister plan in mind.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added | User |
Get Torrent | HD 1080p | English | 1.52 GB | 123 | 3 years | admin |
Get Torrent | HD 720p | English | 859.73 MB | 125 | 3 years | admin |
Get Torrent | HD 1080p | English | 1.52 GB | 123 | 3 years | admin |
Get Torrent | HD 720p | English | 862.58 MB | 128 | 3 years | admin |